If your school's new academic year timetable begins before the summer holiday, you will need to carry out a few steps to ensure DPR is adequately setup.
- Ensure the academic year start date is correct
- This is a key step. If your academic year start date is not updated in time, your new timetable will overwrite the previous academic year's data
- By default, DPR assumes the new timetable is available from the 14th of August. If your timetable starts before the summer term, this date will need to be updated to match your timetable start date
- To set your academic year start date, refer to this article
- Access the Migration Wizard early
- The migration wizard is available from the 14th of August
- To access it earlier, follow this article
- Request migration of data
- This refers to school's that want judgements from the previous academic year migrated across to the new academic year
- Before being able to request this, the new timetable must have synced through
- Refer to this article
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